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Sunday, April 26, 2009 4:55 PM

! turned 18 already...
some things wanna update... hold on..

this card was from spp friends :D
erm, let me list them? 10 of them...shuping, qingren, john, junhui, xinyi, poosiang, meieng, hafila, yiboon and kelvin
yup and together with this!

a perfume =D
had a nice dinner with them at essential brew and happy to have them celebrating with me in advance!

this was from hilary! yay and i was feeling super baddddd coz i haven got anything for her yet!

went kbox with her, anderson's, and walked and chatted...totally elated to meet up with her, and hope to do so often!

this! was from adrian. notebook from Prints. okie, its not exactly a notebook, more of an organiser. but i seldom use organiser (coz i'm not organised....bleh) so i can use it as a note book!

went out for lunch yesterday with fellow secondary school people...=D
namely xinyi, bren, jw, shu, diona, adrian and kendrik at cathay astons...not bad a lunch and its not ex as well. they treated me and i felt bad coz they already had a present for me....really appreciated it...loves

this! dinner...erm, no its dinner cum supper. with daddy mommy and brother...
went all the way to east coast park to have this...and its yummy yummy yummmmm..
it was on my actual birthday on thursday itself=D

this! is just a casing...with 800 bucks inside.
paid a sum of 800 on two equipments. ophthalmo and retinoscope.
abit heart pain, but still =D

another 135 gonna be gone, but i guess its wirth it...a textbook which contains alot on ocular diseases...FYI, i love to read textbooks...certain textbooks, prior to my own interest! so hope this was one of them!

last thing of this post, thanks for those who wished me, sms-ed me a happy birthday
deeply appreciated that it was still being remembered by u guys!




Saturday, April 25, 2009 1:32 AM

having swollen lower eyelid is annoying. coz somehow, very uneasy without my full scope of vision!
and it was red! omg, i had totally no idea at all why i had this swollen eyelid out of the blue.
dampened my mood to blog D:
tue was no longer a "no break" day for our class, and will be having an relatively early lunch break from 10 to 12pm. and from then, all the way till 5pm is the last lesson.
the start of the semester was kind of uneasy. coz the first day of lesson was practical on one of the "big" modules. and really had our hands on with the equipment.
it feels weird...
and i'm so tired. dealing with several stuff at the same time. but i hope my tutoring doesn't affect my studies. though i'm not good a student.
i wanna get overseas, get a degree overseas. GPA 3.0
i dunno, i lack of confidence. the further i pass through the weeks, the more inferior i get.
i thought i coud do it, but in the end, it just shows it does not.
twice, i get myself deceived by my own actions. i was the one without the knowledge. who can i blame on?
sometimes i dun wanna talk doesn't mean anything, just mere feeling inferior.
u may ask, why feel inferior? you can one la....must have confidence....and so on so forth.



Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:26 PM

Was out with Hilary! yay!
it'sbeen so long since i last saw her!
went k lunch, that particular room was kind of weird, coz some of the newer songs cannot be sang! eeks...
so we had to sing those older songs...
after that, went for a walk plus ice cream at anderson's! wowow!
nice man...
this was kind of a pre celebration for our birthdays, but just a meet up can win anything, really.
known her since P4, and its like 8 years? haha
love her loads and not to forget the others! missed them and wish them best of luck for the coming up A's!!!
yesterday went cousin's house, it was like out of a sudden. the frequency that i went to their place was like once out of several years?
neatly kept as usual! again chatted with cousins:D
nothing beats a great chat with them!
and! my niece! love her man! she is so so so so so cute! indescripable is the word!
i didn't manage to catch the ending of the sixth sense on channel 5 last night, coz we left before the show ended...really wanted to know what the ending is like!
but i cant watch it alone, haha
school's starting proper tmr and i wans't excited at all....start the school term at 3?
it's an ohmygosh...



10:19 PM






嗨,今天没人陪吃饭, 吃什么好嘞?算了, 等会儿在吃,先去睡一下!


我的饭盒掉在地上,饭立都洒了一地。我一屁股地坐在地上,动弹不得。我扭到脚了,好痛!“哎哟!” 我像只受了伤的小狗一样地叫了一声。 脚踏车骑士马上停下,好像是走到了我的身边。“对不起,小姐,你没事吧!” 我坐在那儿,一动不动的。真怪,难道是我听他的声音听太多?怎么这男的声音跟他这么像啊!我一转头,天啊!还真是他!怎么这么倒霉?! “是你!没事吧!” 炎同学伸出他的手, 我便靠拉着他,站了起来。他看我站起来后就把手放开。我的脚没了支撑,我就痛得差点跌倒。 在我以为自己又得屁股开花时,他抓住了我。“喂!小心!哇噻。。你这样怎么走?是我撞伤你的,就由我负责送你回去吧!上车!” 他细心的扶着我,突然,我的肚子不听使唤的叫了出来。我的脸马上红得像个大番茄!他看了看我,又看了看地上的饭,笑了。“你。。。你笑什么啊!你肚子饿的时候不会叫吗?” 我尴尬的东张西望。“来啦,我请你去吃东西,算是我向你赔罪!” 他把我拉到他脚踏车的后座,看我坐稳后,便轻快的把车骑走了。

他骑车虽然有点快,但是蛮稳的,坐在后面的我,感觉很放心,连脚上的痛都忘了。“到了哦!” 他慢慢的把车停了下来。“就是这家的烤肉饭!好吃的嘞!” 他又把我扶到了店里。 我坐在那儿,看着他到柜台点餐。“我帮你点了这里的招牌烤肉饭!” 我点了点头。“谢谢。。。” “不用,对了, 脚还痛吗?你还有那里受伤?” 他提醒了我脚上的伤,感觉好像有点痛。我看了看右手掌,这才发现皮被磨破了,流了好多血!我忍着手上的痛,看着他,微了微笑,“没事,手没事!” 他从上到下的打量着我,真让我感觉好不舒服哦。 “是吗?真的?等一下!你的衣服怎么有血? 你的手,我看!” 他硬把我的手翻过来,看见手上的伤后,什么也没说,就走到柜台。不知道说了什么,不一会儿,就会来了。“我叫他们帮我们打包,我先送你回家。这伤口得先处理一下,不然会发炎的。”

我看着他,什么都不说,也很听话的照着他的话做。他拿了饭,又把我扶上脚踏车。“你家在那里,我送你回去,再帮你包扎。你不会介意吧?” 我摇了摇头,说,“没关系,我可以自己来,你已经帮了我很多。” 我把家的地址告诉他后,他便出发了。




Friday, April 17, 2009 12:26 AM



我的目光一直排徊在这些同学的脸上。真好笑!一个个的脸。。。真想拍下来当纪念!我不禁对自己傻笑,就连这位新同学已自我介绍完毕, 坐到我旁边的空位,老师以开始讲课,我都皆然不知。回神后的我,没时间反应,急忙拿出书本来。

课才上不到一半,我身边的炎亚纶同学就像坐不住似的,一直不停的动来动去。一下看手机,一会和旁边的同学说话, 最后竟转头来想和我说话。我对他使了个眼神,他便很识相的转回头,以背对我。过了一会儿,我发现怎么他一点声音都没有。真奇怪,可当我转过头时,我发现他在睡觉!哇噻! 真是受不了!老师在讲课,他不专心听也就算了,反而在这里打瞌睡!真要命的转学生!这种人,就算篮球打得再好,人长得再帅,琴弹得再棒,再好听,都没用!一样是那种只会耍帅,却是幼稚又无聊的小男生!




“温琳恩同学!” 他又给了我他那灿烂的笑容。可他是怎么知道我的名字的?我记得我没跟他提起过啊。他来到了我面前,“可以叫你恩吗?你叫我亚纶就行了!之后这几天就麻烦你咯!先跟你说声谢谢!不如我请吃晚餐吧!走!” 他话一说完就拉着我的手。我吓得赶紧用力的把他的手给甩掉,说:“喂!放开!你在说什么啊!我听不懂,什么之后这几天就麻烦我?又为什么无缘无故的想请我吃饭?更重要的事,我跟你很熟吗?” 我一口气把话说完,有点喘地看着他。而他,又被我弄得呆住了。 “不对啊!刚刚老师不是指定由温同学带我在学校看看的吗?” 他搞不清楚状况。

老师刚刚真的有这么说过吗?但看他的样子应该不是在说谎。 “是吗?我。。。我忘了麻。好,带你到处参观是吗?明天,明天下课后我再带。没事了吧,没事我先走了,拜!” 我话一说完,马上掉头就走。





Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:52 AM

today had started the day early....at about 7.30?
yup, lazily, i got up from my bed and then lightheaded, went to wash up and went school...
know why i went back to school? hoho, its because few days back, someone called and asked if i can be the subject for whatever eyedrops? will get paid...then i was kind of worried as i dunno what will happen...
in the end, everything turned out fine! it was just that the lecturers were having this course conducted by eye doctors from TTSH and we students just go there and be the teachers' subjects, that's all:D
been exposed to the various way to check for eye complications, and blah blah blah...
was impressed by the two speakers....they were good and fluent and most importantly, very confident:D
then anesthetic eyedrops onto our eyes, followed by the alkanes (from what i heard from the doctor...) which was to dilate our pupils...some different equipments used...alot more!
after the whole thing, i was like i cant see closer up images with my spectacles on, and i had to take it off...got a scare initially, haha...
anyway, it was the first time, i saw lecturers changed their status to "students" and they were like following instructions given by the doctors and being asked if they were doing fine and all that...seems a little weird though...
after which, back to home and off to uncle's house in the evening.
chatted with cousins, really talked alot more than we did previously...
was really happy...
went for supper, the 9 of us at xin wang:D
felt like i was finally one of them, and hope this feeling goes on and on...
on the way home, i thought of some events that have passed...tears rolled down again, much less this time round. looking back on certain things, and realised that actually i had encountered quite alot. and definitely, grown as well.
just got home and i'm gonna turn in soon!



Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:25 AM





半年,我们用了半年的时间来疗伤。忠于恢复了之前的家。爸爸不再颓废,姐姐不再把自己弄得忙忙碌碌的, 而我也不再一泪洗面。大家又开开心心的在一起。


是位男生。我站在门口觉得很奇怪。这间琴房明明就没有人会来啊,怎么他 。。。钢琴声突然停了,我顿时从我的思绪中跳了出来。“对不起!” 我担心是因为我的存在让这位同学不能好好的练琴。“不用道歉。” 他站了起来,看着我。“我是新来的专学生。刚刚早到了学校,发现校务出还没开,就到处走走。不知不觉就走到这。。。 ” “你不必向我解释那么多, 不好意思打扰你弹琴,我先告辞了。” 说完,我便转头就走。我听见那位同学在叫我,但我依然没回头。

在学校, 我是出了名的酷。喜欢独来独往,很少和别人说话。所以,我并没有能让我吐诉心事的朋友。


过了一会儿,他停住了。 他似乎又发现了我的存在,走了过来。“是你!” 他的笑容很灿烂。“嗯。。。”我点了点头。他很自然的坐到我左边的空位。 “你好!我叫炎亚纶!” 我低下了头,看见他伸出来的手。我转过头看着他,再看了看他的手,说:“对不起,我得去上课了,再见。” 我大概是把他吓傻了吧,因为当我回头看时,他依旧伸出手,愣在那儿。

我很快得到了教室。里头已经有同学到了,正打闹着。我和往常一样,默默地走到我常坐的位子,拿出书本来看。不久后老师进了教室,他清了清喉咙,说:“各位,请大家回到座位,老师有话要说!” 同学们听了都听话的回到位子上,而我也乖乖地把书收好。“今天,我们班来了一位新转学生。同学,你可以进来了!”老师走到门口说道。新同学走进了教室,我看呆了。又是他!第三次了!这是我在一个小时内看见他三次!真邪!我望了望其他同学,仿佛在他们头上看见了一个个白色的泡泡,里面写着:好帅哦!。。。那迷人的眼睛!。。。什么跟什么嘛, 他人的确是不错看,但大家也不至于要看他像看到宝石般,眼睛发亮吧!




Friday, April 10, 2009 1:57 PM

yo! had been lazy to blog hehe...
anyway, some things to highlight, mom's birthday, Brenda's birthday and remind me what else!
mom's birthday coincides with brenda's, which means their bithdays fall on the same day! mind you, and this time, it falls on a friday where mom need not work, and students can spend the day out! so saddening, and i had to choose to celebrate with family! i cant just have both!
then that aside...
and went KBOX (finally) with adrian...okie, he sing well when he wants...but when he juat wanted to be funny, he sings really funnily.. he can hit quite high pitches! envy envy!
sang for 4 hours! at marina...wondering, when can shu join us uh?
and! wang si is back! haha!
dunno why, but this time really a bit miss her!
i seriously need to go on a diet! but but, how????
mouth itchy itchy and alot will go down tomy stomach. and there, the fatty bom bom!



Friday, April 3, 2009 12:09 AM



温琳恩:20 岁,宜化大学音乐系。 (我)
炎亚纶:20 岁,宜化大学音乐系。

“门铃响了!快去开门啦!”大姐从房间喊了出来。“叮咚!” 铃声再次响起。“来了。。来了!” 我慢慢,没精神地走向大门。我看也没看是谁就把门打开。。完了。。
“啊!” 叫声是从外面传来的。
“什么事?” 我问。“你。。你。。干麻把脸涂成这样啊!想吓死你老爸我哦!早知道叫你们开门会被你吓,我就自己开了!” 爸爸说。
“ 哈哈!老爸, 你也太没胆了吧!对了,别弄我笑!这个新买的黑炭面膜一笑就会长出皱纹的!” 我扬起脸,手摸着脸上的面膜说道。 “才管你脸上的东西嘞,我买了你们俩姐妹爱吃的寿寺。赶快来吃吧!” 老爸把买回来的东西放在桌上后便走进厨房。
“来了!没什么事比吃sushi 更重要!” 大姐从房间冲了出来。
“你们先吃吧!我扶完面膜后就来。” 我边说边走向沙发,躺下,闭上双眼。


我很爱弹钢琴。记得小时候学钢琴是被爸妈逼的。 刚开始,我觉得上琴课是一种哲磨,但日子久了,学着学着,我渐渐地对钢琴产生了兴趣。直到现在,我可说是不能没有钢琴。 爸妈说家里大家都是学音乐长大的,所以,我也当然不例外。家中,音乐造诣很高的就是姐姐。她很喜欢拉小提琴,更是大提琴高手。老师们都以她为荣。


那年的冬天,我十三岁。其他孩子们都在享受着冬天凉快的季节,而唯有我们一家正在面临着生离死别。妈妈躺在病床上,身上插满了管子。她的眼睛是紧闭着的,身体是逐渐在退温的。“癌细胞扩散得太快,我们实在没办法控制,真得很抱歉,请你们节哀。” 这句话,我记得一清二楚。那时妈妈的血癌复发,因癌细胞很快的扩散到其他身体部位,到最后,连医生都没办法治。




Wednesday, April 1, 2009 11:37 PM

this is the story I'm currently working at now....
titled Naive
this is the very first part of it...

"Girl ah, now you are having your holidays so what are your plans? i suggest you better go find a job because i see you facing the computer EVERYDAY! Bills need money..."

"oh then too bad, i tried finding but simply couldn't find one that suits me(give a wide grin). So you will have to bear with it!” I said and turned back to face the computer screen.

"Forget it. Talking to you will make me want to faint." Dad shook his head before heading for the door.

The next day, I was surfing the net when I heard my room's door open.
"Girl! Know what, I got you a job. It's at my friend's company. Going there to do part-time is definitely better then you staying at home or going out with your friends!"

"Dad! You didn't ask for my opinion!” I protested and meanwhile mom walked into the room. “You can’t make the” she closes the door after managing to push me into the bathroom. “decision for me!!! Argh! Fine!" I grumbled but I knew what ever I say isn’t going to change anything anyway. So grumpily I went for a bath.

"That should be the way to deal with this little princess of ours...” mom grinned to her husband and closed the bedroom door behind her. The both of them nodded and went down the stairs for breakfast.

The three of us sat in the car with me staring out of the window all the while. I was wondering why my parents were just so keen on sending me to work and refusing to let me stay at home. I may be facing the computer everyday, but it’s not like my family can’t afford the bills…

"Baby, later give your best behavior. He's your dad's friend for many years, you know." Mom noticed the silence in the car and was the first to break the ice.

"I'm sure she will! She's the best to us!" Dad carried on.
"Not to worry..."I replied with eyes still fixed out of the window.

After arriving at the car park of the building, my parents quickly got out of the car, opened the door for me and each on one side, held on to my arms. “Mom! Dad! I will not run ok?” “Not ok! We are your parents! We know what you will want to do next. Your promises are difficult to keep isn’t it? We have to do the precautionary...” Mom retorted in another beautiful grin which makes me realize that again, I can only go according to what they said and strictly no bargaining.

"Come baby" was the last thing I had heard from my mother and off we proceed to the building.

-to be continued-



10:55 PM

weee, first thing first....it's april fool's day!
so first thing, wished a sort of friend of mine...the lady whom i always to go for my haircuts etc...today is her birthday:D
then, to school for badminton! wahhh good man...though there were people there, but still the six of us (Shichieh, tzehoon, yumin, szeyin and lyn) played for quite long and acheived something...haha!
its nice to sweat alot alot coz it means one thing...you exercised alot...and burnt off some fatttts!
after which, when we were on the bus...we thought of something for this april's special day...and that is to prank call our classmate!
siling was the victim and guess what ym told her? we ganged up a story saying we had to change our class and we all ended up in different classes!
ym had to do the texting coz she was the class rep hehe
in the end siling believed and yup, felt a little bad about it...hahah
but cool neh....prank call others...



That Girl

Please Tag before leaving!

Sherine, SuanJoo. her favourite day is definitely 23rd Apr..
notably short tempered and forgetful

Click here& Get Lost!

The Girl

ello~ this is SHERINE Cher Suan Joo.
Her favoraite day of the whole year is 23rd Apr.
Hates smokers and all creepy crawlies, well basically she is scared of alot of things!
Likes to eat, sleep, shopping, chat and reading(she really does!).
Loves her family.
Cannot do without her Family.
Timid yet daring…contradicting?
Laughs easily and may go on without stopping.
Loves her friends and buddies and also cannot live without them!
She needs her friends to be there so that she can forget all unhappiness and all stress.
She can be very very blur so pardon her if she do get forgetful!
Quite Short-tempered so better dun provoke ME!!!


Before U Leave