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Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:49 PM

nice talk to shuping and xinyi on fri...
spoke all that was on my mind at that moment..
thanks was all i can say=D

went for lunch with sec 4 clique=DD
though only jingwen and hilary, i was happy enough! with all of them i will be on the clouds! haha
dined in @ tian tian steamboat...was not bad....
super full after that.
i find that when a group of people go for stemboat, the eldest of the group will be the one taking care of everyone at the table. hilary and me was the eldest haha, and really, we kept scooping stuff for jingwen, the youngest of ur group
hope for the next outing! which is 28 june!
after lunch, brenda joined us for a while to walk around at bugis. and we separated at 5 plus.

dinnered with spp peeps at astons, suntec
again, super duper full!

and today!
bought my new phone!
though not C903, i was still very contented=D
still need to explore, coz i've never used their walkman phones before=S
maybe the only bad thing is the camera...only 3.2mp.. but nvm getting a camera soon i suppose?



Friday, May 29, 2009 1:48 AM

i wanna get a phone!
not that ambitious though, supporter of sony ericsson=D
but think i have to get w705?
i aimed for C903!
but its like dunno when launching...getting a new phone before 7 june!!!!
nvm, comfort myself...next time round i will get a better phone! =D



Tuesday, May 26, 2009 11:06 PM

maybe i was too persistent on the issue..
maybe i was just too sensitive.
but i can't possibly ignore it totally.
i told someone about this, and i cried during the prep camp.
coz i felt it was suppose to be a small thing, yet they were not able to make it.
i do my part, as a friend. but if the end result wasn't what i wished for, then what can i do?
i wished i was that happy-go-lucky, but as a fact, i'm not.
friends come and go, but who will be able to stay and accompany for the rest of my life?
again, i hoped for everything to be back to secondary school days.
when everything was so easy to understand.
i missed the days, missed the laughter, missed the bonds.
all passed and nothing can be reversed.
i should be learning to adapt.
back to it, maybe i was just too sensitive.



Saturday, May 23, 2009 11:19 PM

here to start on my 100th post!!!
wowow~ din expect i can blog that much?
back from uncle's house, no cousins at home, only bro and i... so i stayed in the room playing nds=D
basically, today...what i did?
slept through......
was home at about 7 plus...and sleep till late afternoon, ard 4.
super tired...
a night without sleep, it takes some time to get the energy back i guess...for me.
after 4, watched tv and back under my blanket once more! this time till 7!
haha~ a pig i am!
i realise i totally did not sleep for a whole 24 hours? incredible, i haven tried that actually...coz during the trial camp, i wasn't exactly sleepy...
went through games etc and night walk!
went for SP rock climbing club's nightwalk... was in a team with Doreen and qr...ok, the three of us wasn't actually very tough under this kind of circumstance. haha, but qr was nice, haha
anyway, the best thing was that the whole walk for us was not at all scary... simply just walked ard the school....
coz we went to with the wrong route...(the light sticks were misleading, and there are other camps having night walks as well)
so we just skipped a whole lot of the stations...and thus....no scares at all...
maybe the last station was "scary"
we went to sp's red bridge..and guess what we had to do there? go down to the first floor from there...i was like...at night? jump in the dark? where got fun? more scary that is.... in the end, only john, sp, me, and kdrew went for it...i wanted to try, but cant...
coz after a while, alot of people were there....on the brdge...from both spp (but we are in a corner) and sprc...so in the end, we spp peeps went down from the stairs....
also, i suddenly realises someone from spp was someone's lookalike...though he was more aggressive than this fren of mine, but the way they spoke was very alike...
anyway, hope everything will be fine for the actual camp!



Thursday, May 14, 2009 11:46 PM

mad girl on the roll!!!

okk, i dunno what to say...
events happened these days, but i dunno how to elaborate leh..
so i shun go into them!

i was watching some taiwanese drama...then i was thinking, if once in a life time...u get a relationship which was really thrilling, creating big woohaa...
wun it be great?

coz this will leave u with nth to regret for the "relationships" category..
i'm making it sound like some kind of contents page....

coz i feel that having a BGR wasn't just like i like u u like me...and that is it. too boring...its like watching an everyday thing, nothing fresh, u can guess what will be happening next!


but it's gonna be difficult?

i dunno...

dun wanna know...

it should be a hassle...


and and and, i wanna go K
i'm always saying i wanna go K...
its like not enough
midnight K? can i go? hehe, it should be fun u know....sing all the way....yeehaaa! very long nv use this term "yeehaaa"...

wowow~ anyway, we got something weird for Kelvin for birthday!
erm, i guess not nice to type it here...hahaha....hope he can remember these "bunch of kids" =D
he called us that...bunch of kids! i'm 18 already...

and ya, i wanna go donate blood...i cant wait for the day to come...
i'm abit of contradicting myself, i'm super scared of needles, but im gonna have a needle poked into my arm...on my own accord...

Spp camp coming up...! whoops!
excited! meeting on 21st, prep camp 22nd and 23rd, actual camp 10-12 june!
it din not clash with fuhua's dinner...mr chia is the incharge!
=D they go i sure go!



Sunday, May 3, 2009 4:04 PM



到家后,他坚持要替我包扎,所以,我也不多说,让他进到家里。他把饭放在桌上后说:“ 你家的药箱嘞?” “在那里。”我指向电视机下面的柜子, 然后慢慢地走到沙发坐下。他拿了药箱,坐到我旁边。“忍着点,会有点痛。。。” 他边说边打开药箱,拿出消毒药水,占到棉花棒上。我稍微的点了头,伸出手掌让他敷药。哇!还真的好痛!我一直忍,一直忍,尽量不要让他知道我很痛。“好了!记得不要占到水哦,还要每天换药!你还真会忍,很痛但又不说出来,跟其他女生不一样。。。”他把东西收好后,又坐回我旁边。“是吗,还好啦。。。吃饭吧!哦。。。对,谢谢你!” 我把他的饭盒推给他。

饭盒都吃到一半了,我们俩一句话都没说。突然,他开口了:“你的脚,还好吗?要不要我帮你揉一揉,可能会好一点。” “不用了!没事了,真的很谢谢你!” 我急忙地说。“是吗?那好,那么晚了,我也该走了,你送我出去吧!”他说。我一听,马上站了起来,但脚踝的痛实在没办法忍,害得我连站都站不稳,差点就跌倒,还好有亚纶扶着。“看吧,就知道你在死撑! 脚痛得话,就让我帮你啊,你的伤是我害的。。。” 我靠着他,又坐回沙发,让他帮我揉脚。他一碰到我的脚,我就痛得差点喊了出来。“你忍一下,很痛就叫出来,我的肩膀让你抓。” 他移了移,让我能抓的到他的肩膀。

他慢慢地揉着,突然很用力的推了一下,我痛得呱呱叫,一看见他的肩膀就用力地抓。 过了一会儿,痛消掉了,我也把手松开。“好像真的好多了欸。。。”我看见他手一直抓着肩膀,“喂, 肩膀还好吗?我是不是抓得太用力? 很痛吗?对不起!对不起!” “没事没事,习惯了,打球的时候经常会受伤扭到脚的,都是我帮朋友揉,不然就朋友帮我,没事的!”我愧疚的看着他, 他把手放了下来,说:“真的没事!放心!对了,你家怎么都没人啊?家人都出去了吗?” “嗯。。。”我点头。

突然,我们听到有人用锁匙开门的声音,糟了,他们回来了,如果看到了他怎么办?他们一定会对我问常问短的啦!正当我想把亚纶躲起来时,门开了。老爸走了进来,看着我们。“爸,他是我的朋友。。。” “噢。。。”老爸看似有点惊讶。“伯父,你好,我是琳恩的同学,炎亚纶。。哦。。。这么晚了,我不打扰你们了!我先走了! 明天见!”他转对我说, 便走了。

亚纶走了后,我跟老爸沉默了十秒。突然,他兴奋地跑到我前面,问道:“女儿啊,他。。。他是你男朋友吗?” 我还来不及回话,他就继续地说着,“人长得不错,看起来好像很爱玩的样子,但还蛮礼貌的。。。” “他才不是我男朋友嘞!他只不过是我班上新来的转学生罢了。”我不能再让老爸胡思乱想。 “喂,你以为你老爸我没谈过恋爱哦,还狡辩,如果不是男朋友的话,他怎么会在家里出现?这可是你第一次带男生回家哦!” 我听了,叹了口很大的气,“嗨!我怎么会有这样的老爸呢?是刚刚我出去外面卖饭吃的时候,他正骐脚踏车经过,还把我给撞倒了!还说呢,要不是没人陪我吃饭,我就不会搞成这样咯,还得让你误会!也不看看我的伤势!” 我给老爸一个可怜兮兮的脸, 把手上的伤给他看。“天啊,怎会这样!是刚刚那个什么。。。什么纶的吗?臭小子啊!竟然把你弄成这样!我。。。” “老爸!你话变的还真快诶! 才刚说人家有多礼貌,一回头就骂他臭小子。。。不是很好哟!我的手没事啦,只是擦破点皮而已。”我笑着说。




1:16 AM

yo! went punggol beach today for photoshoot. really nice place over there. just with ALOT of rubbish over there! here are some photos which i took. not very nice and the composition was kind of same...haish...improvement! RAH

lovey dovey couple taking their photos for their once in a lifetime shots!
this was taken when the sun is almost setting...

i found a coconut and so took a photo!

gross! took a lot of courage to take this man...dead fish got washed up to the shore. eeks. i dun have a liking toward fishes which are uncooked and alive/dead.

this is fila!!! rolled up her jeans so that she can get down there to the water! for the sake of the phots! haha

this was taken soon after we reached...

emo emo clouds...

i like photos taken diagonally !


first photo of the day..

me and shuping. there are others...shall upload them soon!

the three of us. xinyi shuping and me. holding hands, posing for them to shoot=D
so nice! haven been shooting for some time! got all stinky etc. but had a fun time walking along the beach and taking some pictures of the sun. here are some of the photos...there are others which i had taken, but i lazy to upload all. some not nice for u all to see hehe
anyway, on a random note!
got quite mad at this particular auntie on the mrt on my way to hougang to meet the spp peeps.
i boarded the train at pioneer, got a seat and started reading my book. then in came a group of aunties and there is this super loud one. the moment the door opens, her voice was like so prominent. "eh here got seat got seat! eh leave a seat for xxx! aiya, no more seats...." etc etc. and mind you, she was actually talking ACROSS the cabin can? coz in between there was no seats, only for ppl to stand. she sat beside me and i had to listen to her loud talking. then at je interchange, her fren board the train and as there aren't any seats, she had to seat opposite the loud auntie. they can even talk like this! then the person on my left (the loud auntie sat on my right) alighted. then the loud auntie quickly asked her fren to come and sit. she asked me to move laaar! whoaaaa. alright, i moved. and guess what, she din even say a thank you! omg!
pissed uh!
she was suoer duper loud!!!! argh, dun she know that she can disturb others in the cabin as well??? no manners? omg. she even singing! gosh
she was so oud that i had to put on my earpiece and read. what the hell do this aunties think the are? so inconsiderate...



That Girl

Please Tag before leaving!

Sherine, SuanJoo. her favourite day is definitely 23rd Apr..
notably short tempered and forgetful

Click here& Get Lost!

The Girl

ello~ this is SHERINE Cher Suan Joo.
Her favoraite day of the whole year is 23rd Apr.
Hates smokers and all creepy crawlies, well basically she is scared of alot of things!
Likes to eat, sleep, shopping, chat and reading(she really does!).
Loves her family.
Cannot do without her Family.
Timid yet daring…contradicting?
Laughs easily and may go on without stopping.
Loves her friends and buddies and also cannot live without them!
She needs her friends to be there so that she can forget all unhappiness and all stress.
She can be very very blur so pardon her if she do get forgetful!
Quite Short-tempered so better dun provoke ME!!!


Before U Leave